
Showing posts from October, 2020

SMART Goals Update!

A lot can happen in 1 year, 6 months, even 1 month! To recap, earlier this year, I made a SMART goal to save 10k for an emergency fund by December 2020. I had just started my financial independence journey so I gave myself a lot of time; a whole year. I didn't want to set myself for failure. Fast forward to June 2020 when I hit my 10k goal, 6 months early!! Call it my birthday gift to myself. Proving that I could focus, completely change my spending habits and get shit done, I kept pushing, saving 15k by August and 20k by the end of September.  The thing is, we can achieve such greatness if we have a plan. We can say so many things but without a plan and a way to execute that plan, they're just words flapping in the wind. I will forever talk about SMART goals because they brought me from 0-10, 000 real quick. I encourage you to write down some of your goals, big or small, make them specific, and organize them into categories (financial, personal, fitness, travel etc). Focus on ...

Why I Got Life Insurance

*trigger warning: death* What is your perception of life insurance? Good or bad? Do you know what it is or what it does? Back in the day, a lot of people, especially older people, were talked into getting life insurance that didn't make sense for them because financial advisors and banks were greedy as hell. These days, you can get solid, expert advice that will actually provide you with wealth and protect your assets. Wealth is an abundance of valuable possessions or money. Assets are property owned by a person or company. Most people's perception of life insurance is negative because they didn't learn about it or they know someone who had a bad experience with it and now their views are tainted. Reality is, there's good and bad for everything. Every industry has dishonest people, sometimes representing the majority but I assure you that you don't have to settle for lies and deceit.  Life Insurance is a contract between an insurance company and you (the policy owne...