
Showing posts from July, 2021

Hot Girl Summer in Full Effect: Updates + New Services!

To say the last few months have been busy is an understatement . I'm officially licensed as a Financial Advisor in Ontario! My mission is to bridge the gap between finance and marginalized folk so they can improve their spending habits, build wealth and live better. Studying and taking exams was not easy and the work is not over. Finance is so layered that I'll always be learning. If you attended my virtual business launch party, THANK YOU! If you won a giveaway, YAY YOU! If you've supported me in any way, thank you so so much! These are my services: Insurance, Investment, Banking consultations Financial Analysis Appointments Investing 101 Sessions Financial Literacy Workshops Instagram Live Features, Interviews and Takeovers Event Hosting and Guest Speaking Workshop Facilitation Since starting my journey in the finance industry, I've met so many people, on social media and in real life, in the same field. I am always willing to connect and collaborate so we can make fi...

Scared Straight: Canadian Finance Edition

It's been awhile but I'm back! A life update will in the next blog post but today, I wanted to share some statistics I came across. Feel free to check out the links below and I encourage you to do your own research as well. Check out these statistics: nearly 50% of adult Canadians struggle with financial literacy 48% OF CANADIANS ARE $200 AWAY FROM BEING BROKE FOR EVERY $1 WE MAKE, OUR DEBT IS $1.77 ONLY 25% OF CANADIANS HAVE AN EMERGENCY FUND CPP (CANADIAN PENSION PLAN) IS NOT ENOUGH TO LIVE ON A YEAR OF TUITION IS APPROXIMATELY $27, 000 140 TORONTO RESTAURANTS CLOSED DUE TO COVID (JUNE 2020) AVERAGE RENT FOR ONE BEDROOM IS $1200; CONDO APARTMENT ABOUT $2200 AVERAGE HOUSE IS OVER $1.2 MILLION MINIMUM WAGE IS STILL $14.25 FOOD PRICES ARE SET TO INCREASE 3-5% THIS YEAR PUBLIC TRANSIT HAS INCREASED 300% IN THE LAST 30 YEARS Why are these statistics important? They show the volatility of the economy due to the pandemic, how the cost of living and minimum wage don't match, how ...