SMART Goals: Write It Down, Make It Happen!
SMART Goals have allowed me to manifest the dreams in my head into reality.
S - SPECIFIC - say it with your chest
M - MEASURABLE - can you monitor your progress?
A - ACHIEVABLE - make it make sense
R - REALISTIC - can you actually do this? *see above*
T - TIMELY - give yourself a deadline
SMART Goals, Commitment, Accountability Partner(s)
Any goal is a good goal but a SMART goal will give you results. We need to be specific with what we want. I can say I want a black matte Jeep and that's cute but if I don't plan how to get it, I won't. They say that writing down goals make them concrete and visible. It's easy to forget about the things we want when we have a life to live. That's why lists are my best friends. I have a weekly to-do list, a daily to-do list, short term goals, long term goals. I write out my workouts, every purchase I make, I plan my paychecks and how to spend them. These lists keep me organized. Maybe you need to write your goals on bright sticky notes and put them on your mirror. Maybe you need to put a note on your wallet to remind you of something you're saving for. In the end, you have set yourself up to succeed.
Let's take my goal to save 10k as an example. Can you believe that in January 2020, my original goal was to save $1500 by June. Mind you, I had money in my checking account, I simply wanted to save this $1500 for my emergency fund. I was so used to spending horribly and barely moving forward that I gave myself 6 months to save $1500. I already had a financial advisor since November 2019 but it wasn't until February that I started to focus. Of course Covid helped me. I couldn't buy outside food, online shopping wasn't a thing. One thing that really helped me was changing my diet. Changing what I was consuming mentally. I started following financial literacy pages that really motivated me to make small changes. Opening Instagram and seeing that type of information on my feed helped reprogram my brain to put this at the forefront. I quickly changed my goal to Save 10k by June. As you know, I was able to achieve this goal! Making it a SMART goal was the reason.
S - SPECIFIC - say it with your chest - my goal has a very specific amount and date
M - MEASURABLE - can you monitor your progress? - yes, I can monitor monthly
A - ACHIEVABLE - make it make sense - based on my income and expenses, this is achievable
R - REALISTIC - can you actually do this? *see above* - obstacles are low-none
T - TIMELY - give yourself a deadline - June 2020
Commitment is hard, especially in a world where quick access is the wave. But ask yourself: how badly do I want this? You have to retrain your brain to think differently. You can't achieve new goals with the same mindset. Everything has to change. Again, this is hard. Making sure you have a circle of friends with similar mindsets will make this easier. You need to be in an environment that helps you succeed.
An accountability partner can be a family member, friend, financial advisor, coworker, anyone who respects your goals and will be a positive impact. The right person will help you find alternatives that support your goals.
Take a look at any goals you have right now. Are they SMART goals? How can you make them more specific? Let me know some of your goals and let's make them spectacular!
All love, always, Shay.💛
Instagram: @financefortheculture
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