February 2021 Pep Talk

2021 will be exactly like 2020 if you don't change. 

This post was supposed to be posted in December 2020 but guess what? Better late than never! Which perfectly leads into my original inspiration...

It's never too late to start but you'd better start now! Repetition builds habits and habits build your lifestyle. It's so important to start making moves as soon as possible and not when the calendar tells you to or when a friend tells you to because change takes time. It's okay that you didn't make New Year's resolutions. It's okay that January wasn't your month. But now what? We all know what happens when we procrastinate. We push things until tomorrow and tomorrow never comes. We suddenly feel like our goals aren't important. We make excuses as to why we shouldn't do it anymore. Then we'll forget about it altogether. Then a year will go by and we'll randomly remember and feel tons of guilt for letting a good idea/opportunity slip away. 

Listen, preparation is key. If you don't prepare, your chances of falling into the same cycles are super high. Give yourself all of the resources to be able to achieve greatness. An accountability partner. Online courses. A social media break. A road trip to be surrounded by nature. A total friend cleanse. A weekend of self care. A mentor. Set yourself up for the best success. They say it takes 21 days to build a habit. Some say it only takes one day. I say, the longer you've done it, the longer you'll be able to maintain it. START NOW.

It only took me 1 year to see progress after improving my money mindset but it took 10 years of working 20 million different jobs and always being broke after to realize I had to change. I didn't learn after the 3rd job, not even the 6th job. If I was nurturing bad spending habits for 10+ years, it could've easily taken 10 more years to build new habits. But I wanted change so badly. I was also equipped with the knowledge of how to make that change. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to reverse the damage.

Reality check: 

- the pandemic isn't over
- your ability to earn income is your greatest asset
- you can pass on your debt to your family
- generational wealth takes time to build
- money affects your happiness
- inflation, taxes and bills don't stop
- one income is not enough

Ask yourself if you want to be in the same mental, physical, financial position as you were when Covid started. If you're content with where you are and you still read all of this, you're a real one. If you're not happy with where you are, it's time to start planning your great escape. It's already February. Let's get to work before June is tapping on our shoulders.

Prepare for new blessings:

- out with the old: clothes, habits, friends, partners
- create SMART goals; specific with deadlines
- write daily and/or weekly to-do lists
- get an accountability partner
- make note of your accomplishments
- feed your eyes good content
- follow people who truly inspire you

All love, always, Shay.💛

Instagram: @financefortheculture

Email: financesfortheculture@gmail.com

Book a FREE financial analysis: https://calendly.com/financefortheculture/financialneedsanalysis?month=2021-07

Book an Investing 101 Session: https://calendly.com/shaymoneyinvesting101/60min?back=1&month=2021-07 


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