What Are You Waiting For?
No, really, what are you waiting? Time doesn't stop; if anything it feels like it's moving faster. It's already March!! Again?! A whole year has gone by! Did you know that 140 Toronto restaurants closed last year due to Covid?? Did you know that there are literal industries on the verge of disappearing because automation is taking over? The longer you wait to make changes, the deeper your financial instability will be. The longer you wait, the longer it will take to reverse the damage.
I want people to be motivated by my story. I want them to see how small changes make a big impact. I didn't deprive myself of anything. I still ate outside food. I still treated myself every once in awhile. But my goal to become financially stable was bigger than instant gratification. My progress has been so fast because with each milestone, I get that much more motivated to keep going. I have to keep setting the bar higher and higher because the momentum is crazy! I went from $200 in my bank account to saving over $30k in 1 year, participating in multiple investment avenues and being asked to speak to high school and university school students and collaborating with different platforms.
My mission has been focussed on sharing my tried and true tips and tricks on how to save money. I haven't shared anything that's impossible to achieve. I don't preach things I haven't done myself. I didn't do anything spectacular really. The hardest part of my journey has been changing my mindset about money. Deleting the Uber app and boycotting Amazon were fairly easy.
I've also been brutally honest with a tough love approach to show you how real life is, how the government is not going to save you, how you won't survive inflation if you continue spending the way you do. Just do some research on Canadian finance statistics to get a reality check on people's financial state. The time is NOW to start changing your habits because you don't want to be living paycheck to paycheck into your 30s or leaving your family with lots of debt because you didn't prepare properly.
Stop making excuses! You have the resources (ME!), you have the ability, you have the time and you have the reason (Covid, job uncertainty, unhappiness, big dreams and goals). What is stopping you from making the change?
I know some people really need guidance and I can respect that. So let me be your accountability partner! Let me help you set SMART goals, track them and keep you motivated. Click the link below to book a complimentary discovery call so we can work together. It's important to ask for help when you need it in order to elevate. You're going to blink and it's going to be June. Start now so you can enjoy the fruits of your labour sooner!
I know some people really need guidance and I can respect that. So let me be your accountability partner! Let me help you set SMART goals, track them and keep you motivated. Click the link below to book a complimentary discovery call so we can work together. It's important to ask for help when you need it in order to elevate. You're going to blink and it's going to be June. Start now so you can enjoy the fruits of your labour sooner!
All love, always, Shay.💛
Instagram: @financefortheculture
Email: financesfortheculture@gmail.com
Book a FREE financial analysis: https://calendly.com/financefortheculture/financialneedsanalysis?month=2021-07
Book an Investing 101 Session: https://calendly.com/shaymoneyinvesting101/60min?back=1&month=2021-07
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