Is Summer Truly Over? + Word of the year is CONSISTENCY!

Who else feels like summer is a mood not a season? I always say that my summer doesn't end until I see snow. Who else feels that way?

I know it's been awhile; my last post was in March (cringing) but for good reason! I have been travelling a lot this year, building my business and am blessed to be booked and busy. But I also take accountability because just like my social media content, I should batch create my blog posts so I can be more consistent. Note to self!😅 There's so much to catch you up on! In this blog post, you'll hear a bit about the travel bug I caught (or that never went away), what I've been learning through my mentorship and the importance of committing to self elevation.


In January, I put $6000 into my Travel Fund with the intentions of travelling 4 times this year. I've been to NY, DC, Vegas and DR so far. And yes, I want to travel a few more times before the end of the year. Why? Firstly, I only got to briefly taste travel freedom in 2019 when I was on the struggle bus LOL. I never had that much money but I made it work. I would book my flights right after PayDay or made sure I was coming back close to PayDay so I never felt too broke. I remember I went to NY, ATL and back to NY within months of each other and I definitely didn't have the funds to do that. But this time around, I was financially prepared which allowed me to travel for longer, experience more and truly enjoy it.

LESSON: The power is in the preparation. Don't wait until the last minute to start saving for things you know you want to do. Create a savings schedule, get an accountability partner and get to work! If you need help with goal setting, I can help:


I've been blessed to work closely with amazing people who've been in the finance industry for longer than I have and to have a mentor who pours into me and makes me want to work harder, be better and achieve more. After going to Las Vegas for a business convention, I came back super focussed and ready to strategize and put my words into action. Motivation doesn't last, it's the discipline, consistency and goal setting that is going to get me to the next level. I'm currently building my team and my mentor and I will be training people to become financial advisors just like us. If you're interested in learning more or know you want to pursue this, book an information session to learn more here:

LESSON: Invest in yourself; invest in events that will put you in the room with the kind of people you're striving to be.

Personal Development:

I don't know if it was being in Las Vegas listening to millionaires tell their stories and successes or being mentored more closely but since the end of July, I've been procrastinating less and I'm way more focussed and productive. I also learned 3 major lessons:

1. Be open-minded: This really allows me to hear new ideas, consider new solutions and look at things from a different perspective. Sometimes you really are going about something the wrong or long way.

2. Don't take things personally: Everyone's communication style is different. It's important to be able to control your emotions so you can really understand what people are saying. Make sure you're not operating from an ego-driven self-focussed place when listening to constructive criticism.

3. Listen more: Back when I was working to improve my interpersonal and public speaking skills, I would always volunteer to participate first. Nowadays, I'm falling back to observe and listen more. You don't have to say something all the time. I believe in balance and I'm currently in the season of soaking in as much information as possible.

Here are some things I've implemented in the last month that have improved my time management, increased my self-reflection and have been holding me accountable:

- Journaling: on Mondays to start my week off with good intentions, review my goals, recap the previous weekend and on Fridays to recap the week and set intentions for the weekend. Implementing this task helps me with consistency because I need to check it off my to-do list but it also really helps me dump my thoughts onto the page and move forward with a clear mind.

- Weekly Mentorship Meetings: allows me to stay focussed. With meeting every 2 weeks, there's a lot of time to lose focus and discipline so weekly meetings keeps me sharp.

- Learning Spanish: I set an alarm to complete a lesson every daily which will help me learn faster but also keep me consistent. I also like giving myself a challenge and I love trying new things. After my DR trip, I realized that diversity is key and I want to be more prepared the next time I visit a Spanish speaking place.

- Daily Affirmations/Money Tips: Another task that has forced me to be consistent. I batch created a lot of my videos to make it easier for me. The consistency of posting daily is allowing my supporters to look forward to a new tip each day and I know I'm bringing value. I'm going to continue this for September.

Self-reflection is key! It's important to review what you've been doing, see what's working, what's not working and implement new strategies, resources and tasks where needed. Ask yourself: 

- What skills did I learn in August?

- What habits do I need to let go of?

- What did I learn about myself this month?

- What are my September goals?

If you have any suggestions for content or IG Live topics etc, drop them below!

All love, always, Shay.💛

Instagram: @financefortheculture


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