September Recap + Business Grant Winner!

I'm still trying to figure out where September went?! The month literally said, "I ain't gonna be here for long!" As I reflect on a fun-filled month, I think about the amazing in-person training sessions I've attended for my business, the various last-minute invites I received to attend events, my road trip to Montreal and winning the SHOP20 Business Grant. I can't forget about it being Life Insurance Awareness Month and how great it is to see more and more people talking about it. Here's a recap on what I've learned because you know I don't gate-keep the gems.


Believe it or not, as social as I may seem, I have heavy introvert tendencies. WOW, shocker! I set a goal to attend various networking events, even events I wouldn't necessarily go to on a regular day, so I could meet new people, learn about local businesses and share my business. Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to make a grand entrance or hand out a certain amount of business cards or speak to a certain amount of people and what I've learned is that simple is better. Being naturally observant, I've learned to find opportunities when to "pitch myself" without coming off too strong.

- Say hi, smile or wave to everyone you see. This makes a good impression and shows that you're friendly. Also, if you're planning to have a convo with someone later, you've already established a hello, smile or wave.

- If anyone mentions money, I'm joining the conversation because of course I can contribute!

- Leaving a few business cards in a high traffic area before leaving the event ensures that at least SOMEONE will see them, especially if you didn't get to interact with as many people as you would've liked.

- If you're rolling with someone who isn't familiar with the space you're in, make sure to introduce them because this shows respect but it also gives them a chance to say something kind about you/talk about your business.

- A genuine compliment goes a long way! It's the easiest way to spark a conversation!


I got to try some dope restaurants and see wonderful street art during my trip to Montreal. I love collecting memories especially with friends! Here are some tips for travelling with others:

- Discuss expectations for the trip. Some people travel or go on trips to relax and some people go to explore, party and do all the things. You should be on the same page so everyone's expectations are fulfilled.

- Communication is key. If you roll together but you're not leaving together, that should be communicated. Create safe words for awkward situations if necessary.

- Determine who is paying for what beforehand so there is NO confusion.

- Assign tasks: who's doing the dishes, who calls the Ubers, who sets alarms, who takes care of us getting on guest list. Are we taking turns?

- Check the menu of restaurants before going. Sometimes the menu just ain't it. Save yourself disappointment by checking first. Same with distance/location and hours of operation.


I am super grateful to be the 2022 recipient of the SHOP20 Business grant! I'm a firm believer in impact over income and that if you focus on being a good person, providing value and giving back, people will respect you and gravitate towards you! I started my business 2 years not knowing a thing about finance! After connecting with a financial advisor who truly cared about my financial success, I saved $10k in 5 months, $30k in 9 months and invested $20k shortly after. My mindset also totally shifted! I knew that I had to help others understand how money works so they could achieve similar success. I'm now a Licensed Financial Educator living the testimony that information and time are the only differences between wealthy people and everyone else. It's my mission to share financial literacy in an accessible, digestible way to do my part in breaking down the unfair system.

Major shout out to all of the finalists, super dope black owned businesses! You can find their handles on this post: 


10 Myths About Insurance

  1. All life insurance policies are alike
  2. Life insurance is expensive
  3. You don't need life insurance when you're young
  4. There's no point in insuring my spouse because he/she doesn't work
  5. You don't need life insurance when the kids have moved out
  6. I'm not eligible for insurance
  7. Mortgage life insurance offered by the bank is mandatory
  8. My mortgage life insurance covers all my insurance needs
  9. My work life insurance is sufficient
  10. Life insurance only benefits my family when I pass away


- Find yourself and stay true

- Discipline is the shortcut you're looking for

- Gratitude will keep you grounded

All love, always, Shay.💛



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